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snippet: Greenway System including On Street Bike Routes and Shared Use Trails
summary: Greenway System including On Street Bike Routes and Shared Use Trails
extent: [[-104.87775678866,41.0599731785318],[-104.702567640732,41.1912742241749]]
accessInformation: Cheyenne and Laramie County GIS Cooperative
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: Overview - A 10-foot wide grade-separated, detached, reinforced concrete path. More than just a fancy sidewalk, the Greenway serves as a safe and accessible recreational corridor; a key component of the non-motorized transportation system; an open-air science, ecology, history, and health classroom for students of all ages; and a vital public space integral in building sustainable, vibrant and healthy neighborhoods and a cohesive community. The man made and natural barriers that traditionally divide a community are the same corridors the Greater Cheyenne Greenway has employed to connect neighborhoods, school districts, and socio-economic divides. From Sun Valley to Western Hills; Downtown to Harmony Meadows; LCCC to the Pointe; the Greenway is a path for all neighborhoods. History - The idea for a Greenway path in Cheyenne arose from a grassroots group called the Crow Creek Greenway Committee, which formed in 1990, the driving force behind getting the project started. Twenty years later and with the involvement of the City of Cheyenne, governmental agencies, businesses, citizen volunteers and schools, Cheyenne boasts approximately 37 miles of completed Greenway path with plans for additional path! Future - Existing segments of Greenway - such as Dry Creek, Crow Creek, and Allison Draw - have focused on riparian corridors. Now, the goal of the pathway system is twofold: create a hub-and-spoke system that encircles the city in one continuous loop; and connect the non-contiguous segments to serve all neighborhoods while accommodating future growth.
licenseInfo: This map/data is made possible through the Cheyenne and Laramie County GIS Cooperative (CLCGISC) and is for display purposes only. The CLCGISC invokes its sovereign and governmental immunity in allowing access to or use of this data, makes no warranties as to the validity, and assumes no liability associated with the use or misuse of this information.
title: Greenway
type: Map Service
tags: ["Greenway","City","MPO","Bike","Trail"]
culture: en-US
name: Greenway
guid: 7D597F3C-90BE-453B-B428-CCE53D547E18
spatialReference: NAD_1983_StatePlane_Wyoming_East_FIPS_4901_Feet